The EU Artificial Intelligence Act has been approved.

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act has been approved. The aim of this pioneering legislation is to protect fundamental rights, democracy, the rule of law and environmental sustainability from high-risk AI, while boosting innovation and making Europe a leader in the sector. The new rules also forbid certain AI applications infringing on citizens’ rights, such as biometric categorisation systems based on sensitive characteristics and the indiscriminate capture of facial images from the internet or surveillance camera recordings to create facial recognition databases. General-purpose AI systems and the models on which they are based must meet certain transparency requirements, respect EU copyright law and publish detailed summaries of the content used to train their models. More powerful models that could potentially raise systemic risks will need to meet additional requirements, such as conducting model assessments, analysing and mitigating systemic risks, and reporting incidents. In addition, artificial or manipulated images, audio or video content (“ultra-fakes”) should be clearly labelled as such.

Photographer: Mathieu CUGNOT Copyright: © European Union 2021 – Source : EP